Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons in Kota Kinabalu

The swimming lessons in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia is not your typical swimming lesson that you will find at your local swimming club. We don’t operate with masses of people swimming laps after laps, and we do not concentrate on the swimming techniques. Our swimming instructor takes a different approach with personalised lessons helping adults and children feel at ease, enjoy swimming, and gain your confidence to be comfortable in the water by learning the fundamentals of swimming.

Our training techniques are very simple yet very rewarding to provide you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to have you playing around above and below the water whilst ensuring that safety is paramount to our training.

Swimming Lessons that we offer?

Adult Swimming Lesson

The adult lessons are best conducted as a private class, or it can be taken jointly with family members. During the classes expect to be learning how to be comfortable being underwater, holding your breath and floating in the water. These lessons are booked in three-hour slots broken into three 1-hour session.

Swimming Lessons

Child Swimming Lesson

The child lessons are always conducted as a private class, or when requested they can be taken jointly with their siblings. No certificate or license is provided upon completion. During the 1-hour classes expect your child to have lots of fun, learn new techniques by being in control of themselves, having confidence of a fish whilst they are in the water.

Swimming Lessons

Apnea Breath Hold Class

The apnea breath hold classes is conducted standing up in the swimming pool. Our instructors provide you with the skills and techniques to hold your breath for prolonged periods underwater. Learning a series of breathing techniques to relax the body helps swimming and mermaids to stay underwater for a prolonged time.

Swimming Lessons